My simple secret to crushing Drives.
One of the biggest struggles I see with amateurs when hitting their drivers is that they don’t manage to achieve enough height.
This is a result of a low launch angle (the able at which the ball leaves the club head relative to the ground) creating a low “Apex“ referring to the highest point the ball reaches in flight.
When training with @inrangegolf I always look at 2 key metrics to ensure I am maximizing my Driver results.
1. Launch Angle
2. Apex
While these angles are a little different for every golfer based on their motion and swing speed and loft, and angle of attack, they should be in the following ball park:
Launch angle: 10 degree +
Apex: around 90 feet
Next time you are on the range, watch your ball flight closely to see whether you are in that 90 feet ballpark. This is something anyone can do even on the course. If you feel like you are not getting enough height, try my tip.
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