Coaches Corner

The Key to Breaking 70

The Key to Breaking 70

Shooting below 70 requires not only a good swing but lots and lots of strategy.

The true key to breaking 70 is to be able to control your shot shapes as this really plays into your course strategy. Shooting below 70 requires not only a good swing but lots and lots of strategy since there is so many factors like wind, trees, etc. that we cannot control and which are usually in our way!

Being able to not only know but control your shot shape is key to executing a well formulated course strategy. On @inrangegolf I like to check my launch direction + curve metric after each shot to lean more about my standard shot shape as well as practice hitting different starting directions and spin movements.

To do this, simply go into your app and check the launch direction and curve statistics which tell you what kind of shot shape each shot had.

A solid fade would have 2-degree left launch direction and a 2-degree right curve with the draw being the exact opposite!

This is not only fun to learn but a great challenge to keep you focused and practicing with lots of intention.

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